when it dry season that is when they do burn out .....clean the country with burning
Catalog No | 19-327 |
Title | Kumarrakini (Dry Season) |
Size & Medium | 200 x180cm |
Category | Painting |
Name for carpet snake, a good source of food for Tiwi people. Catalog No 23-367 Title Taringa Artist Alexandrina Kantilla Size & Medium 100 x 100 cm Ochre on Canvas...
Rainbow Serpent. This is the artists dance. Catalog No 16-375 Title Ampitji Artist Jane Margaret TIPUAMANTUMIRRI Size & Medium 92x92 cm ochre on canvas Category Painting Artist Profile
Old Jilamara Design Catalog No 23-373 Title Parlini Jilamara Artist OSMOND PANGIRAMINNI Size & Medium 100 x 50 cm Ochre on Canvas Category Painting Artist Profile