Date of Birth: 01/07/1965
Mother's Country: Warriyuwu, Bathurst Island
Father's Country: Goose Creek, Melville Island
Skin Group: Anjiluwi (Rain)
Dreaming: Nyarringari – Magpie Goose

From 2009 - 2013 Francesca Purutatameri served as President of Munupi Art.Francesca attended secondary school at St Johns College in Darwin. After finishing year 11 she returned to her home town of Pirlangimpi.  She took various jobs, working in the bank and library and studied book keeping at the Darwin Community College.  She then took some time for parenting her baby daughter.  Francesca worked for a short time at Munupi Arts in 1993 but left to work at the bakery for a period of 6 months.  She returned to Munupi Arts & Crafts and made an impression with her decorated canvas paintings and gouaches on paper.  She has also completed printmaking workshops and assists with fabric screenprinting.  Francesca has completed her Certificate II in Arts and Crafts with Batchelor College. 
