Date of Birth: 01/01/1958
Mother's Country: Ranku, Bathurst Island
Father's Country: jikilarru
Skin Group: Takaringuwi (Scaly Mullet)
Dreaming: Takaringa (Scaley Mullet)

I was Born at Bathurst Island in 1958 and I went to school at Garden Point Primary School on Melville Island.  Then as i grew up my mum sent me away to High School in Darwin at Kormilda College .  Then I dropped out of School and went back home to my family and started looking for a job. I got one as the  Janitor at the primary school in 1978.    In 1990 I retired and then i decided to get another job so i went to the Munupi Art Centre  because i used to watch my father paint and carve the ceremonial poles.  He taught me how do culture and thats how i got my skills as an artist and ceremonial leader.One of  Osmond's Tutunis (Ceremonial Poles) is in the South Australian Art Gallery Collection and one is in a private collection in Belgium.He creates intricate paintings depicting cermonial designs.He is a Senior Ceremonial Singer and Dancer. 
