Simplicia Tipungwuti

Simplicia Tipungwuti
Date of Birth: 17/11/1979
Mother's Country: Jikilaruwu, Bathurst Island
Father's Country: Ranku, Bathurst Island
Dreaming: Buffalo

Simplicia Tipungwuti was born in 1979 on Bathurst Island.  She went to the catholic primary school.Simplicia's mother moved to Pirlangimpi with her when she was 13 years old.  and she has lived there ever since.Simplicia found her partner in Pirlangimpi and they have had 5 children.Simplicia's mother in-law Virginia Galarla paints at the Art Centre.Simplicia joined the Munupi Art Centre in 2019.  She is an emerging artist who prefers working on larger canvases with her intricate and  unique stye.   
